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  • YAP QCHS Fall Wrestling Trainings (K-12th Grade)

    YAP QCHS Fall Wrestling Training for Grades K-12th will be led by Heady Varsity Wrestling Coach Tommy James. Participants will work on wrestling skills, proper techniques, strength & conditioning, along with other wrestling activities. Some Participants may have the opportunity to compete in Wrestling Matches (Jambories) at QCHS and other Schools (OFF-SITE). All Participants in the Jamborees / Matches will need to provide their own transportation to and from the event. Participants will also be responsible for paying individual entry fees to participate in those events. Possible Jamboree Dates: August 24th (7:00-11:00am) August 31st (7:00-11:00am) September 7th (7:00-11:00am) October 12th (7:00-11:00am) *Times and Dates Subject to Change (Coach James) *Wrestling Singlets and other Wrestling Gear may be purchased through the QCHS Wrestling Booster Club (Please reach out to Coach Tommy James). If you have any questions about YAP QCHS Wrestling Trainings & Jamborees please reach out to Coach Tommy James: tjames If you have any questions about YAP Registration please reach out to Troy Gibson (YAP Supervisor):